piątek, 14 kwietnia 2017

Am I a therian? How to tell, if you are a therian!

Am I a therian?

Hi there! Today I am going to tell you, how can you find, if you are a therian or not. These are only tips, so you don't have to agree with me. Ok, so let's go to the topic:

 I have seen many therians. TO many... a lot of them said that they are therians, becouse they feel a conection with an animal, or they have seen their theriotype in their dreams or in a meditation. Well... maybe some people don't know about it, but your theriotype is YOU. You can not meet your inner animal. You can not meet yourself... It's impossible! You can see yourself only in the mirror or in other reflective surface while meditating or dreaming. Some people can also see their tails or ears becouse of a phanthom shift, but I will write about shifts later. 

And becouse I love making lists, I made one again! This time this cool and wonderfoul  list shows some syptoms, that can give you a reason to think that you may be a therian. 

1. Having shifts.

No matter which shift you have, phanthom, mental, dream or (if it is possible) physical shift, having them are a wery good reason to start thinking, that you may be a therian. You DON'T have to shift when you are a therian, so remember, even if you can not remember that you  ever have had a shift, but you still FEEL, that you might be a therian, try to find other symptoms of your theriantropy. 

2. Identyfing as an animal.

But remember! Do not forget, that identyfing WITH an animal is different than identyfing AS an animal. You may only be animal hearted. Think a lot about it.

3. Feeling a strange connection with an animal.

As I said in a second point. Feeling a connection and wishing that you were an animal doesn't make you a therian. You have to feel that you are this animal, so connection doesn't mean anything.

4. Behaving like an animal.

can suggest you that you may be a therian. But be careful with your childhood age! It is normal, that children love pretending to behave like animals, so if you can remember, that you behaved a lot like an animal, when you were a child, think about it. Did you behave like that only for fun, or was it something more for you?

5. Being able to remember your past life/s.

If you can remember your past life as an animal, you can really seriously think that you may be a therian. Don't forger! Differentiate remembering things from imaginating them!

6. Feeling, that you are in a wrong body.

The same thing as with transgender people. A lot (if not all) of therians feel bad in their bodies. They feel, that walking an two legs, having hands and being a bald, mutant monkey is not for them. It is a wery strange feeling, sometimes you may feel, that you are not yourself, that your actual body is obscure, you may feel sad, becouse you don't have your claws, tail, wings, paws ect. You are not alone. A lot of us feel the same! You can wear a tail, ears or, if you want to, a fursuit (a furry animal costume)! Here are examples:

Lakota and her tail. A lot of therians wear them!

Fursuit- a popular (and not cheap!) in furry community animal costume.

Ok. I think this is enough of examples. I hope that this post helped you with finding yourself. If you have more "therian symptoms", or  you do not agree with me, please write it in a comment. I want to know, what do you think about it! 

Hope you have a good day!

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